Private money lending is a great alternative when traditional lending is too cumbersome, has too many restrictions, or takes too long for your needs. Private money loans can be obtained with relatively limited documentation, reduced constraints, be processed rapidly, and funded in a timely fashion. We offer three main types of private money loans, being Land Acquisition, Land Development, and Bridge Loans. Our private money loans come with Interest Only Payments, No Prepayment Penalties, and are Non-Recourse on the principals.
We provide loans on vacant land so you can close quickly on a great opportunity or hold the property while going through the entitlement and planning phase of your future project. Land loans are offered up to a 55% loan to value (LTV).
We provide land development loans for the installation of the horizontal improvements, such as power, sewer, & water, along with other infrastructure improvements to transform raw land into an improved subdivision (commercial or residential) with pads ready for later vertical construction. Land development loans are offered up to 65% loan to value (LTV).
We provide bridge loans for industrial, multifamily, office, retail, and self-storage properties that need funds for improvements due to age or tenant requests along with allowing the time to find tenants to increase the required occupancy rates before moving into traditional long-term financing. Bridge loans are offered up to 75% loan to value (LTV).